Quest For Fire | Iron Maiden |

Quest For Fire

Testo Quest For Fire

In a time when dinosaurs walked the earth
When the land was swamp and caves were home
In an age when prize possession was fire
To search for landscapes men would roam.

Then the tribes they came to steal their fire
And the wolves they howled into the night
As they fought a vicious angry battle
to save the power of warmth and light.

Drawn by quest for fire
They searched all through the land
Drawn by quest for fire
Discovery of man.

And they thought that when the embers died away
That the flame of life had burnt and died
Didn‘t know the sparks that made the fire
Were made by rubbing stick and stone.

So they ploughed through the forest and swamps of danger
And they fought the cannibal tribes and beasts
In the search to find another fire
To regain the power of light and heat.

Drawn by quest for fire
They searched across the land
Drawn by quest for fire
Discovery of man.

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